Scouting America now offers an online unit and member renewal process. Unit renewal and member renewal will no longer be one and the same.
Membership is now a set 12 month term from the time of registering regardless of when the unit renews. For example, if your current registration expires on December 31, your renewed membership will begin on January 1 and run through the following December 31.
All units and members currently registered with Scouting America need to complete this process on a yearly basis going forward.
The membership renewal process is still being refined and systems are being updated. Unit and individual membership renewals will be processed through
The online membership renewal does not have the ability to process family discounts or scholarships. Please renew memberships through units and pay membership fees to the council office directly to account for discounts and scholarships.
Unit Renewal Helpful Hints:
- Meet with the executive officer of your charter organization to sign the Charter Agreement in September.
- Ensure ALL registered adults renew their Youth Protection Training so it does not expire before December 31, 2025.
Questions? Please contact your District Commissioner
Why you should renew your unit’s charter ON TIME!
- Units must remain registered to be covered by Scouting America’s liability insurance policy.
- Adults must be registered to be covered by Scouting America’s liability insurance and council accident insurance policies.
- Being late with this process will affect your youth members’ advancements.
- Youth members must be registered to be covered by the council accident insurance policy.
- Criminal records background checks are conducted on adults when applications are turned in to the council office.